This application provides tests for the detection of vision loss. It is for you information only and is not a sustitute for examination, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed eye care practitioner. Always seek professional care for your condition. Using this application does not constitute a patient-doctor relationship. This application cannot replace the advice of a doctor or from another health professional.

What is glaucoma?

It is a silent and asymptomatic disease of the eye that steals the vision gradually. It usually has no symptoms and may result in the loss of vision in a sudden way. Without proper treatment, it can lead to total blindness. With periodic ophthalmologic exams, early detection and the treatment can preserve your eyesight. The good news is that with this application you can know it before it happens. We repeat, it is a disease that IT DOESN'T HAS NO SYMPTOMS.


Place the mobile 7-10cm from the eye. You should see the center point clearly. Close the eye you have not chosen. While moving the red dot keep the chosen eye fixed on the White or Black point that is in the center. When you don't see the red dot, click on any part of the screen and when you see it again click again. Repeat the above until finished. Result: In the figure below (Does not have Claucoma). The visual field is represented in mirror shape since there is a black zone that we don't see and that locate in opposite regions of each eye. Two fields are represented here normal visuals, one of each eye. Both right eye(on the left) like the left (on the right). WORK WELL.

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